12 Healthiest Cat Breeds | iHeartCats.com

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When selecting a cat breed, potential owners often consider health as a key factor. Some cat breeds are known for their robust health and longevity, making them ideal choices for those seeking a low-risk pet in terms of genetic health issues. This article discusses twelve cat breeds renowned for their overall health, highlighting why they are considered among the healthiest.

1. American Shorthair

American Shorthairs are known for their sturdy build and good health. Originally bred for hunting and farm work, they have a strong genetic makeup that makes them less prone to many of the genetic disorders that affect other breeds. Their short coat is easy to maintain, and they generally live long, healthy lives with minimal health issues.

2. Russian Blue

Russian Blues are not only known for their striking appearance but also for their robust health. They have a short, dense coat that is easy to care for, and they are less prone to common feline diseases. This breed is known for its strong immune system and is less likely to develop genetic diseases, making it a healthy choice for cat owners.

3. British Shorthair

British Shorthairs are famed for their robust health and sturdy physique. They have a dense coat that requires minimal grooming and are not predisposed to many of the hereditary diseases that afflict other breeds. Their calm demeanor also reduces stress-related health problems, contributing to their overall well-being.

4. Maine Coon

Maine Coons are one of the largest domesticated cat breeds and are known for their robust health. They have a long, luxurious coat that requires regular grooming, but they are not prone to many genetic health issues. Regular exercise and proper diet help maintain their health, and they are known for their longevity.

5. Bombay

Bombay cats are celebrated for their excellent health. They have a short, easy-to-care-for coat and are not known to carry many of the genetic disorders found in other breeds. Bombays are generally healthy cats, with few breed-specific health problems, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a low-maintenance pet.

6. Savannah Cat

The Savannah cat, a hybrid breed, is known for its good health and vigor. The mix of domestic and wild genetics results in a strong immune system and overall robust health. They require regular exercise and mental stimulation but are generally free from the common genetic ailments found in purebred cats.

7. Siberian

Siberians are known for their robust health and long lifespan. They have a luxurious, water-resistant coat that requires regular grooming. This breed is less prone to common feline genetic disorders and is known for its strong immune system, contributing to their overall good health.

8. Ragdoll

Ragdolls are generally healthy cats, known for their friendly and relaxed nature. They have a semi-long coat that requires regular grooming. While they have a few breed-specific health concerns, such as a predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, responsible breeding practices have helped reduce these risks, making them a healthy breed overall.

9. Korat

The Korat, a rare Thai breed, is noted for its good health and longevity. They have a short, easy-to-care-for coat and are not prone to many genetic health issues. Their strong genetic pool contributes to their overall good health, making them a healthy choice for cat lovers.

10. Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Maus are known for their athletic build and good health. They have a striking spotted coat that is easy to maintain. This breed is not prone to many genetic health issues and is known for its strong immune system and robust constitution.

11. Scottish Fold

Scottish Folds, recognizable by their unique ear structure, are generally healthy. However, it’s essential to note that they can be prone to cartilage issues, so responsible breeding is crucial. When well-bred, they are robust and healthy cats with few genetic health concerns.

12. Burmese

Burmese cats are known for their muscular build and overall good health. They have a short, glossy coat that is easy to maintain. This breed is not predisposed to many of the genetic disorders that affect other breeds, making them a healthy choice for cat owners.


Choosing a healthy cat breed can lead to a longer, more fulfilling relationship with your pet. The breeds listed above are known for their robust health and longevity, making them excellent choices for those concerned about genetic health issues. While individual health can vary, selecting from these breeds can increase the likelihood of having a healthy, happy feline companion for many years.

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